Sprouts Farmers Market Murfreesboro, TN

Sprouts Farmers Market Weekly Ad Murfreesboro, TN
Very clean very healthy selection. I'm not a shopper who goes here much but I do see the allure of this place. Just walking through the door made me feel like I was a better person and I felt like I wanted to started eating healthier. Of course neither are true unless I actually do the things to make it so. This store though it's clean and we'll organized, with friendly people working there and shopping there. Be prepared for a little higher prices on things and prices that are to high for a few things. But like I said you have to do the things that will make you better and healthier.

Sprouts Organic Pasta

Everyday low price 4.00

Sprouts Pizza Family Meal Kit

/EA. Everyday low price 5.00

Organic Cosmic Crisp Apples

BUY ONE, GET ONE 50% OFF regular retail of equal or lesser value

Organic Strawberries 1lb. or Blackberries 5.6oz

BUY ONE, GET ONE 50% OFF regular retail of equal or lesser value

Hissho Sushi Rainbow Roll

/EA. Everyday low price

Seven Sundays or Mom's Best Cereal

BUY ONE GET ONE 50% OFF regular retail of equal or lesser value

From the Ground Up Crackers or Pretzels or Parm Crisps Cheese Crisps

BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE of equal or lesser value

Irish Soda Bread

/EA. 4.99

Bob's Red Mill Baking Essentials

20% OFF regular retail

Vista Hermosa Tortillas

BUY ONE, GET ONE 50% OFF regular retail of equal or lesser value

Bulletproof Coffee

BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE of equal or lesser value

Elmhurst Latte or Milk

BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE of equal or lesser value

Maya Kaimal

BUY ONE GET ONE FREE of equal or lesser value


20% OFF regular retail

Now Supplements

15% OFF regular retail


15% OFF regular retail


15% OFF regular retail

Nature's Way Probiotics

15% OFF regular retail

Emerald Labs

15% OFF regular retail

Organic Nutritional Yeast

15% OFF regular retail


BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE of equal or lesser value

Honey Mangos


Pikes Place Bouquet

/EA. Everyday low price 24.99

Earthbound Farms Organic Salads

BUY ONE, GET ONE 50% OFF regular retail of equal or lesser value

Primal Kitchen Pantry Essentials

BUY ONE, GET ONE 50% OFF regular retail of equal or lesser value

R.W. Knudsen Organic Juices

25% OFF regular retail