Harris Teeter weekly ad for Brookdale Shopping Center, 9641 Brookdale Dr, Charlotte, NC 28215,United States
Harris Teeter has many things on sale such as "buy one get one free". You can usually get more for your money by buying bigger packages at a place like Costco, but you will get more choices and a bigger selection at a place like Harris Teeter. This Harris Teeter had many wines to choose from. Some wine bottles were only $5. When they say that I "saved" a large amount on the receipt, it makes me think that the sales are meant to trick people into believing this place has the best prices to get them to buy more here. 🧾 I would rather buy from a place that always has low prices without the "savings" and "sales". I know other people may prefer a place that has many sales, so not everyone would consider it to be a negative thing..