Smart & Final GOLETA, CA

Smart & Final Weekly Ad GOLETA, CA
This store is box store on lower scale...just like a regular supermarket but with better prices...produce is awesome ...meat prices are great too...check it out won't be disappointed
Best time to shop is when the store opens. You have the store to yourself and no waiting at the isle for a checker.
Wish I caught their names this morning. I was done around 7am-ish. He helped with my groceries plus grabbed 4 cases of water for me.
Kind, fast service. Thanks

Bar S Corn Dogs

ea 6.99

Roma Tomatoes

lb 0.79

Red Rose Potatoes

ea Digital Coupon Price -$2.00 ea. Digital Coupon Savings



Fresh Green Cabbage

lb Digital Coupon Price -20¢ lb Digital Coupon Savings

First Street Corned Beef Brisket

lb Digital Coupon Price -$2.50 lb digital Coupon Savings

General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal

ea Digital Coupon Price -$2.00 ea Digital Coupon Savings

Nature's Harvest Bread or Sara Lee Bagels

ea Digital Coupon Price -$1.00 ea Digital Coupon Savings

Pringles Crisps

ea Final price with 4 participating item purchase 1.49

First Street Tortilla Chips

ea When You Buy 2 or More 6.49

Gain Liquid, Flings Laundry Detergent or Downy Unstopables

ea Digital Coupon Price -$3.00 ea Digital Coupon Savings

Oreo Cookies

ea 9.99

Ritz Crackers

ea 8.99

Oreo Cookies

ea 3.99

Jameson Irish Whiskey

ea Digital Coupon Price -$2.00 ea Digital Coupon Savings

Kellogg's Eggo Waffles

ea Final price with 4 participating item purchase -50¢ ea SAVINGS


ea 11.99



Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats

ea Final price with 4 participating item purchase 1.99

Cheez-It, Club or Town House Crackers

ea Final price with 4 participating item purchase 2.99


ea 18.99

Baileys Irish Cream

ea Digital Coupon Price -$2.00 ea Digital Coupon Savings

Maseca Corn Flour

EACH 20.99

Green Cabbage

EACH 24.99

Jumbo Carrots

EACH 11.99

USDA CHOICE Boneless Beef Brisket

lb. When you buy 50 lbs. or more, $4.29 lb. when you buy 1 Bag SAVE an additional 10% when you buy Large Beef Cuts BY THE CASE

First Street Whole Milk Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

EACH When you buy 4 or more, $14.49 when you buy 1 12.69

First Street Tortilla Chips

EACH When you buy 2 or more, $8.99 when you buy 1 6.49

First Street Paper Toilet Seat Covers

EACH When you buy 10 or more, $8.99 when you buy 1 6.29

First Street 12x10.75 in. Foil Sheets

EACH When you buy 3 or more, $16.99 when you buy 1 15.99

First Street 16 oz. Printed Paper Hot Cups 50 ct.

EACH When you buy 10 or more, $7.49 when you buy 1 6.79

Jarritos Soda


Oreo Cookies

EACH 9.99

First Street Sliced Strawberries with Stabilizer

EACH When you buy 3 or more, $15.99 when you buy 1 13.49

First Street 3 lb. Paper Food Trays

EACH When you buy 2 or more $11.99 when you buy 1 9.89

First Street Oven & Grill Cleaner

EACH When you buy 3 or more 11.49 when you buy I 9.99

First Street Heavy Duty Black Plastic Forks, Knives or Spoons

EACH When you buy 3 or more, $11.99 when you buy 1 10.99

Torani Syrup

EACH When you buy 6 or more, $7.49 when you buy 1 6.49

First Street XL 9x9 in. Hinged 1 Compartment Containers 250 ct.

EACH When you buy 2 or more $15.99 when you buy 1 13.99

First Street Straight Cut 3/8 in. French Fries 5 lb.

EACH When you buy 6 or more, $7.49 when you buy 1 4.99

Pastry Pride Premier Topping

EACH When you buy 3 or more $21.49 when you buy 1 19.99

First Street Half & Half 64 Oz.

EACH When you buy 2 or more $5.49 when you buy 1 3.59


EACH 18.99