Harris Teeter St Albans Dr East, Raleigh,NC

Harris Teeter weekly ad for 120-100 St Albans Dr East, Raleigh, NC 27609, United States
This store, compared to other supermarkets, is more expensive than the others, but it is worth every dollar spent because it has products that are not found in other stores. This store is more focused on food. It doesn't sell clothes or many items that a department store does, but its food and gourmet products are extraordinary. This Harris Teeter at 120-100 St. Albans Dr Raleigh is very comfortable because its parking lot is covered, so the weather is never an impediment to go shopping there!
There are a lot of grocery stores in our area. Harris Teeter stands out for those times when you just want to be able to find everything on your list in one place. Very handy! Not to mention the delightful bargain impulse items ;)