Giant Tiger Smiths Falls weekly flyer for 29 Chambers St, Smiths Falls, ON K7A 2Y3, Kanada
Friendliest staff. They take a moment for small talk with customers. I figure that's extremely important these days for some. May hold up the line for a moment, but staff is quick to open another cash if the story about grannies beloved Fluffy goes on and ice cream is melting down your arm. Patience, kindness and a little eavesdropping may just lead you to a great vet.
However, this location is dismal at pricing items. Bring the flyer with you. They don't have any. Try and remember which brand of bacon is at a stock up price. They rarely have sale prices posted.
Grab a basket at the bottom of the stairs before heading up. You'll need it once you find out lemon custard is on a blowout and the stairs get congested with only one person at a time.
This location is not fully stocked with all that GT Boutiques generally offer. It is what they consider an express outlet.