Dollar General 561 N Huntsville, AR

Dollar General 561 N Huntsville, AR Weekly Ad Dollar General # 3231 561 N PARROTT DR Huntsville, AR 72740 US
There website didn't exactly match up having certain things in stock. I had been searching for weeks for two plastic wadding pools. Website said they didn't have any when they had a bunch of small ones. A friend let me know she had seen them there.
We have a Dollars General when I m. In the store I have no trouble finding things but I haven't found a penny sale yet but I don't go in everyday the employees are always BUSY even the checker has to be putting stock up and people have to wait some people don't like that but I don't mind. If you ever worked out in store you know to patient



Bluey® Vehicles

ea 15.00

Putty Cupcake

ea. 1.00

Newborn Twins

ea 5.00

Hanging Monkey

ea 5.00

Cry Babies Mini

ea 5.50

Microwave Oven Set