Cardenas Markets Oakland California

Cardenas Markets Oakland California Weekly Ad for 1630 High St, Oakland CA 94501.

Love the meat counter, great prices and I can get as much or as little as I want. Only problem was the butcher lady didn't speak English and I don't speak Spanish. But praise God I had my Spanish speaking friend with me. Prices out side of meat counter are a little high, but they have good sales.

I really enjoyed myself. I just wished that I could have more time to shop and browse but, my granddaughter hates to go shopping with me because she says I take too long. Lol. I like to take my time and see what's new. I will be returning. The only thing is why are your shopping bags cost more than all the other super market? The other stores bags are $.10 each. I know it's not much but, when you add them up, it does seem a little high especially when you're doing monthly shopping and your grocery list is long


LB + TAX 6.00

Martes de Tacos

EA +TAX FREE TACO with the purchase of Four Tacos and Mexican Coca-Cola 300 mL

Yogurt Yoplait

EA 9.99

Cereal Kellogg's

when you buy 2

Pasta Anthony's

EA Digital Deal -1.00

Pizza Red Baron

EA 6.99

Tortillas Guerrero

EA When you buy 2 in single purchase

Maíz Tortillas

EA 5.99

Café Instantáneo Folgers

EA Digital Deal -1.00

Detergente Simply Tide

EA +TAX 10.49

Trocitos de Res

LB 6.49

Harina Selecta

EA 2.99


EA Digital Deal -$1.00


EA +TAX&CRV when you buy 2 11.49

Stella Rosa Imperiale Lux

EA +TAX&CRV 10.99

Salchichas Picantes Fud

EA Digital Deal -$2.00

Bebidas Jarritos

EA +TAX&CRV 6.99

Té Snapple, Refrescos Squirt

EA +TAX&CRV when you buy 3 1.99

Bebidas Carbonatadas Sparkling Ice

EA +TAX&CRV Digital Deal -4.00

Tecate, Miller o Coors

EA +TAX & CRV 17.99

Salsa Alfredo Bertolli

EA Digital Deal -1.00

Crema Nivea

EA +TAX 9.99

55 Cartas

EA +TAX&CRV 7.99

Masa Goya

EA 2.79

Pan de Elote

EA 6.99

Caldo de Pollo o Res

EA +TAX 9.99

Licuado Yoplait Splash

EA Digital Deal -1.00

Limpiador Pinalen

EA + TAX 6.99

Suavizante Suavitel

EA +TAX 8.49

Paquete de 1 Pollo

EA + TAX 16.99

Quesos o Cremas Cacique

when you buy 2 5.00

Galletas Gamesa

EA 3.49

Leche Lactaid

EA 3.49

Carne Molida de Res 85% Wilmar

EA Digital Deal -1.00

Stella Rosa

EA +TAX & CRV 11.99

Loroco Goya

EA 3.99

Ciroc or Jack Daniel's

EA +TAX&CRV 20.99


EA +TAX & CRV 24.99

Botanas Takis

EA 4.49

Jamón Fud

ea 9.99

Cook's or Roscato Rosso

EA +TAX&CRV 12.99

Carbón Mesquite

EA +TAX 8.99

Helados Thrifty

EA 5.99

Jabón Dawn

EA +TAX 9.99

Flan o Chocoflan

EA 23.99

Limonadas Simply

EA + CRV 3.49

Chicharron conLonja

LB+TAX 8.99

Arroz Mahatma

EA 4.99

Harina EED


Azúcar Zulka

EA 7.99

Vasos Plásticos EED

EA +TAX 5.99

Mantequilla EED

EA 5.49

Pan Bimbo

EA 2.79

Cecina de Res

LB 9.49


LB 4.99


LB 1.49

Aceite Mazola

EA 3.99

Mini Rosas

EA +TAX 7.99

Mandarina Miel

LB 1.49

Ramo Precioso

EA +TAX 19.99

Ramo de Pasión

EA +TAX 20.99

Chile Pasilla

LB 1.79


+TAX 4.99

Pastel Decorado

EA 29.99

Estrella o Michelob

EA +TAX&CRV 12.99

Aceite Vegetal 1-2-3



EA 3.49


EA 0.99


LB 0.79

Agua Casa Cárdenas

When you buy 3 in single purchase

Refrescos Coca-Cola

+TAX&CRV When you buy 3 in single purchase

Docena de Rosas

EA +TAX 19.99

Pierna de Pollo

LB 2.79

Papitas Lay's o Kettle

EA When you buy 4 in single purchase

Galletas Marinela

When you buy 2 in single purchase

Queso Joseph Farms

EA When you buy 2 in a single purchase

Espaldilla de Res

LB SAVE UP TO $3.00 per LB